Sunday, July 21, 2019

Impossible: Nothing

Nothing is Impossible ~ Planet Shakers

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God." ~ Mark 10:27 ESV

What is it that you want?  What desires has God placed on your heart for your marriage, your family, your kids, others in the community, and/or those across the world? 

Maybe it's seeing an end to all human trafficking. Maybe it's strengthening marriages, or the emotional and spiritual healing for your close, or extended, family. Maybe it's having your child or spouse come to or come back to Christ.

Whatever the passion or desire, it's not there by accident, but because God laid it on your heart. Whether or not your part will be kicking down physical doors, your part will be tearing down spiritual strongholds. Not in your own strength or power, but through Jesus'.

Right now, we're facing spiritual battles, too. When we declared what we desire to see happen, someone doubted and asked if we knew what would happen if we challenged the status quo. Truthfully, no, we don't know what will happen. But we know what will happen if we don't pray and seek God: nothing.

My abilities, talents, and strength apart from God are worthless. But through Him...the possibilities are endless. 

What are you facing, today? What are you desiring and daring to do? On your own, the outcome is iffy, at best. But through God, what's impossible: Nothing! 
©Heather Potts 2019

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

I Cried in Church

Here in the Presence ~ Elevation Worship

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. ~ John 4:23 NIV

Crying is an act of vulnerability; it opens your heart to love and intimacy.

Last Sunday was like many others: I expected God to speak to me, but I didn't expect Him to touch my heart. Pastor Dave's sermon, though always good, was bolder and more urgent than usual. He spoke about how the Pharisees knew Jesus was giving them a warning, but still they hardened their hearts and turned from Him. Pastor Dave prayed that God would show us where we'd begun hardening our hearts and that we'd allow God to soften them, again.

After prayer, the worship team played, "Here in the Presence." I don't know at what point God touched my heart—the spot of pain that I'd tried to cover up—but a tear trickled down. It was followed by another and another until all I could do was cry. I realized that I'd tried to swallow some pain and disappointment. I hadn't shared it with anyone, not even Jesus. He didn't want that area of my heart to grow hard, so Jesus touched me. Through my tears, I apologized for not sharing my pain with Him, for trying to handle it on my own. He forgave me and healed my heart. In place of the pain was relief, because I didn't have to carry it and I wasn't alone.

If there's pain or disappointment—past or present—that you've been carrying, or trying to hide, it's time to give it to Jesus.  Allow Him to touch your heart and heal you. And remember, it's OK to cry, even—or especially—in church.

When was the last time God touched your heart?
©Heather Potts 2019