Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Strength in the Shaking

Another in the Fire ~ Bethel

When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted. ~ Psalm 138:3 NIV

Over the weekend, the girls and I discussed Hebrews 12:26-29, which says that God is going to shake our world, revealing the things from which we try to draw our strength, comfort, and security. According to the girls, their world consists of: Jesus, Mom & Dad, Christmas Tree, Zoe, Lambie, Princess (our hamster), school, food, water, health, house, family, cars, money, camping, books, furniture, and more. In our current season, my health has been shaken, causing me to rely on the help of others, and to rest more. I’ve had to rest both physically and spiritually.

Rest is sitting at Jesus’ feet, pushing aside the to-do list and drinking up the comfort, wisdom, and peace found only in a close relationship with Him. Rest is saying “no” to some things and creating a margin in your schedule, in order to recharge and refresh your mind and body so you’ll be able to take on the tasks ahead. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life… (Psalm 138:7). Over 100 times, the Bible tells us we’ll face trials. However, when we learn to rest in Jesus, we’ll not just survive, but grow stronger because of them.

Psalm 138:3 says God made me bold (confident and courageous) and stouthearted (determined; unwaveringly fearless). We need God to make us confident, courageous, and unwaveringly fearless when we’re being shaken. On Savannah and Elizabeth’s list, I had them circle Jesus and cross out everything else. Hebrews 12:27-29 says the Lord will shake our lives, removing everything created–which can be shaken– ”so that what cannot be shaken may remain,” (v.27).

I just finished reading the devotional, “From Chronic Pain to Constant Praise,” by Tara Bradham. In it, she shared insights from when life didn’t go as desired or planned. “Our trials serve to shake up our lives… Hard times show us what is unshakable, that we may choose to build the foundations of our lives upon the unshakable foundation of Christ rather than our own ambition, health, relationships, or prosperity.” 

What’s being shaken in your world today? Don’t look at shaking as a failure. Remember, your diagnosis, failure, or insecurities don’t lessen your testimony. Remind yourself, “I [am] the person qualified to tell a story in which Jesus is the hero, not me” (Bradham). When trials shake up your life, ask God for the strength and courage to let go of whatever He’s trying to remove, in order that you’d walk more closely to Jesus.

©Heather Potts 2021