Friday, February 26, 2021

Gone Fishing

Dear God ~ Cory Asbury feat. Anna Asbury

 Commit your way to the Lord [roll and repose each care of your load on Him]; trust (lean on, rely on, and be confident) also in Him and He will bring it to pass. ~ Psalm 37:5 AMPC

When I was 3 or 4, my grandpa took me fishing. He got my line ready and all I had to do was drop it in the water. In less than a minute, I caught a fish! My grandpa took off the fish, rebated my hook, and I dropped it back in the water. Then I caught another fish! My grandpa took the second fish off the hook, rebated it, and my line went back in the water. Then I caught a third fish. As the story goes, this cycle continued another five or six times. But then, when I didn’t catch anything—after about two minutes—I looked at my grandpa and said, “This is boring.”

 I certainly had it made at 3- or 4-years-old. My grandpa did all the work and all I had to do was wait for the fish to bite. God offers the same to us if we’ll let Him. Through Jesus, God has done the heavy lifting in our lives and offers us the opportunity to partner with Him, to share in the experience of the things He’s called us to do and enjoy watching His victorious outcome. Sadly, though, we’re convinced we need to “make it happen” and, as a result, we run ourselves ragged trying to do it ourselves.

In love, Father God looks at us and says, “There’s a better way, dear child.” Psalm 37:5 says we’re to roll each of our cares onto the Lord, then we’re to lean on and be confident in Him, and then He will bring it to pass. The world says, “To get anything done – and done right – you have to do it yourself.” The way of the world is heavy and downright exhausting. God’s way, however, gives us peace, rest, and a burdenless load.

 In life, you can try to do everything yourself – even try to make the fish bite. Or you can partner with God, allowing Him to bear the weight of the responsibility, and just enjoy the adventure He takes you on – even when you don’t catch any fish.

©Heather Potts 2021

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

He Came

Holy Ground ~ Passion, ft. Melanie Malone


I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; And He inclined to me and heard my cry. ~ Psalms 40:1 AMP


Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you read scripture it can change from words on a page to a truth you know from experience or revelation? A pastor once said it’s harder for people, circumstances, and the devil to get you to doubt Truth once you’ve experienced it for yourself. Experience sums up Psalm 34:8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good…” Once you’ve experienced God’s faithfulness, His forgiveness, or one of His many other promises and attributes, someone would be hard-pressed to convince you that it was a lie.


Psalm 40:1 paints a beautiful picture of how we can experience God amid our circumstances. The word inclined means to lean down, step down, or pitch a tent. When you’re going through difficult, new, or painful situations, wouldn’t it bring you peace knowing Jesus was in your camp? Think about it, you’re going through some rough circumstances, maybe causing many restless nights, but in walks Jesus with His own sleeping bag and pillow—not because He sleepy—to stay with you for the duration of the journey. Just like my children come into my bed, seeking protection and comfort after nightmares or during violent thunderstorms, God comes to you, to comfort and protect you, during your painful and scary storms.


If you are struggling with something, don’t try to take on this season alone. God is waiting for you to invite Him into your situation, to help, heal, comfort, encourage, and journey with you.

©Heather Potts 2021

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Was It Just a Bad Day?


For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. ~ Ephesians 6:12 AMP

Ever had a bad day? While it wasn’t a horrible day, it still stressed you out as a nagging voice in your mind questioned your decisions from the day, causing you to second-guess yourself. Then, on your way home, your car died twice, in sub-zero weather no less. When you finally made it home, the dishes were piled up in the sink and you still needed to make dinner but didn’t even know where to begin.


It could have been a bad day, but it’s too conveniently coincidental that it all happened the same day as your church group. Your "bad day" was likely a highly planned and executed attack by the enemy who’s determined to thwart everything God has planned for you. The struggles were merely part of the devil’s strategically timed plan to keep your thoughts fixed on the hiccups of the day, rather than on the truths God wants to reveal at your church group. 


Friend, the battle is real! I know, because the devil is real and so are his plans, which include stealing from, killing, and destroying you! Please don't take this lying down. It’s time to get on your feet and praise God! Or on your knees in prayer! Not just for yourself, but for your family, your friends, your co-workers, your pastors, those in leadership, and all who have been called by God to impact this world.


The devil is out for blood – yours and mine! But we are not defenseless. God has given us mighty tools, strong armor, and a battle plan to not just stand up against the devil, but to also defeat him. As Ephesians 6:13-18 lay out, we’re to armor-up, stand firm, and hold our ground! Standing firm doesn’t mean standing still. Standing firm means not letting the devil turn this fight on people. It’s taking our thoughts captive to win the battle in our minds. And it’s declaring you’ll be taking back lives, minds, and territory in Jesus’ Name!


The next time the devil tries to convince you to go to bed after a “bad day”, tighten your belt, plant your feet, pick up your sword and shield, and determine to stand firm and not quit!

©Heather Potts 2021