Thursday, July 29, 2010

My Prayer

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. ~ John 17:15-17

My prayer... Just as we pray, today, in Jesus' name, for our family and our friends, Jesus prayed to God, His Father, for His friends. Jesus did that for two reasons: 1) to be a model for us. A lot of psychological definitions use the phrase, "learned behavior." Our parents, grandparents, and the community with which we surround ourselves all become models to us. We watch and learn from them, whether subconsciously or on purpose. That is why it is vital that we spend daily time in God's Word and have our own personal relationship with Jesus. If we never spend time with Him--through reading of the Word and quiet time--we will never get to know Him and it will be hard to imitate what he has already modeled for us.

2) To demonstrate His love for us. Jesus asked that we'd be protected while we walk on this earth. He knew we had much to do and much to learn and nothing would get accomplished if we were whisked away straight to paradise. For though we may be happier there, it's not about us, but about the "lost sheep," (see Luke 15:1-7). Jesus' love was not just for those who loved Him. Jesus' love is for all and His greatest desire is that all would come to know Him in a personal way. That is why Jesus left "us" in this world--that is why we are still here now. He asks His Father to protect us and leaves us here until the Father's appointed time, that as many as possible of the ones He loves will come home to live with Him in eternity.

What we do with our time is our choice, but we are here for a purpose much larger than ourselves. Lord, I pray that you would continue to protect us, as we are still in this world. Lord, you have sanctified us and set us apart for your special purposes. Father, I pray that you would reveal our individual purposes to us--lay that burden on our hearts. Give us a love for the ones you love. And, Lord, thank you for always teaching us and showing us what to do. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

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