Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Training to be Warriors

Train even your weaklings to be warriors ~ Joel 3:10

I’m in training right now.  I’ve joined a friend’s small group in order to have accountability so that I will train and condition my body to be first, in better health and condition, and second, to stay motivated enough to work hard enough to win two days off of work next year in a speed-walking contest.  Training, the getting up early on Saturdays and working out outside-no matter the weather, isn’t a whole lot of fun.  In fact, several mornings, I debated not going (which is why I need accountability or I really struggle to do it).  But after I put in the time and effort and saw the results of each training session I felt both excited and proud of myself.  I think that’s what Hebrews 12:11-12 is referring to, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.” 

Each time we take a step toward a goal, we are strengthening both our bodies and minds.  In walking, the faster you swing your arms, the faster your legs will move.  When I’m really tired and my legs feel as though they are going to give out, I tell my arms to swing faster and my legs follow suit.  This is the same thing, as we continue on toward our goal, no matter how tired or worn out we may be, we just need to keep going.  Because when we do we produce a harvest and we are no longer weaklings but warriors who are ready to go out and take on life’s challenges.

And now, O Lord, call out your warriors ~ Joel 3:11

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