Wednesday, April 18, 2012

All Is Yours

My child, you have always been with me, and all that is mine is yours. ~ Luke 15:31

It’s difficult to understand the depth of this scripture if you don’t understand the depth of the One who said it.  In a world that believes that “change” is the only constant, words like “always” and “never” get cast aside because they can’t be true if change is continuous.

But again, to understand this scripture, we must first understand the One who said it.  It was Father, our heavenly Father and He is:
Elohim-power & might; Jehovah-Nissi-The Lord our banner (who goes before us and lifts us up); Jehovah-Rohi-The Lord is my Shepherd (guide & protector); Jehovah-Rapha-The Lord is my healer; Jehovah-Jireh-The Lord will provide; Jehovah-Shalom-The Lord is peace;  El-Roi-the strong one who sees (who opens our eyes); and more.
When God, our Abba Father (the one who tenderly loves us as His own sons and daughters), tells us that all—everything—that is His is ours it includes all of His love, all of His strength, all of His wisdom, all of His provision, and so on.  I know you ask, “How can this be, when I’ve lost my job, my hope, my income, my car, my friends, my parents, my childhood, my health…?”  The answer lies in Jesus Christ.  Romans 13:14 tells us we are to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ.”  That phrase “put on” means to “clothe” or “sink into” (as you would your favorite sweatshirt or jeans).  When we “put on” our Lord, we put on His character and everything that was available to Him and that is how everything (all) that is God’s is ours.

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