Saturday, October 19, 2013


Words, words, words.
                Letters, letters.
All made up of letters.
Like pieces from a thousand-piece puzzle,
All in a jubmle-scmrable.

I look at it.
I sweep them up.
I pick them up.
I put them in a box.

“Daddy,” I say, carrying my box to where He’s sitting.
“I just can’t make it work. Can You help me?”


My Daddy is ALL SMILES!

He smiles because I trust Him.
He smiles because I ask Him.
He smiles because I hand it over.
He smiles because it’s me.

Taking the box of mixed-up, messed-up pieces, He says, “Yes, My child, I’ll take it.  I’ll help you make it beautiful.”

He reaches behind His chair and grabs the box-top with a picture on it.

We sit down on the floor together.
He dumps all the pieces onto the floor.
Now it’s an even greater farrago!

He lays the box-top in front of me,
So that I can begin to visualize what the end result will be.

He works swiftly.
He works calmly.
He smiles quietly.

And before I know it, He’s done.

He gently slides a piece of sturdy cardboard underneath the piece of art before me.
He paints special glue over the top, to hold the pieces in place.
He covers it with a simple, but beautiful frame—just the perfect touch to complement the piece.

Still smiling, He says, “Here, My child.  Here is the work, all finished for you.  Please share it with those you know—and those you don’t.  Tell them it’s a gift of LOVE from Me to them.”

He rises to a kneel and pulls me to my feet.
We are eye-to-eye, He and I.

With nothing but pure adoration in His eyes, He says softly, “Child of Mine, thank you.  Thank you for loving Me back.  Thank you for trusting Me to help you with this.  I hope you know that you can always come to Me and I will always help you.  And more than that, I hope you know how very much I love you.”

He kisses me sweetly on the cheek and sends me off to play.

I will always remember today…
                And the words My Father had to say…
I will always remember His speed in turning my jubmle-scmrable into a beautiful piece of art.
                                But it’s His Words that touched me the most…
He said, “Thank you for loving Me back.”

Father, thank you for this message.  Thank you for the beautiful picture it painted.  Thank you that You do turn all of our messes—when we hand them over to You—into beautiful works of art.  But Lord, more than that, I thank You for Your desire to be in relationship with us.  I thank you that You created the way, so that we could have that relationship with You.  I thank you that You loved us first and because of our relationship, You are able to say—both softly and sweetly, with adoration in Your eyes—“Thank you, My child, for loving Me back.”

In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

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