Saturday, October 8, 2016


I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. ~ John 14:18 KJV

Something woke me early this morning and the enemy was quick to pounce on me with condemnation. In my exhausted state, it took me a moment to recognize what was happening, but when I did I said, “This is condemnation.” Even though the speaking stopped, the images lingered, until God spoke and I heard my Father say, “Come away with Me. Draw away with Me and leave everything else behind.” I saw Him holding me; I was safe and secure in my Father’s arms. He turned me around, still holding me close to His chest. With a single word, He disbanded all the enemy’s lies. He said, “See. Everything is fine.”

When I got out of bed and into my God-chair, I had a strong urge to read my Bible, to find comfort there, but I didn’t know where to begin because the chapter I’ve been studying felt dry. Holy Spirit led me. When I opened up my laptop, one of the Bible study sites I use opened to John 14:18. Holy Spirit showed me that in this scripture God promises to never send me away from Him, deprived and desolate, bereaving a death, like one without a Father. Instead, He will come from one place and into another for me.

Father, thank you that though the enemy attacks and is ready to pounce, especially when I’m tired and vulnerable, You are greater and You come to comfort me and not leave me comfortless! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©Heather Potts 2016

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