Monday, May 25, 2020

Thank You for Freedom

One and Only ~ Rend Collective

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free…But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. ~ Galatians 5:1, 13 NIV

I was unprepared for the scene as the road to the grocery store took me past two cemeteries, where dozens of flags waved in honor of military heroes. One of my grandpas is among them. As I continued past, I realized that for far too many, this weekend would be a moment in which time would stand still, as memories of their fallen heroes flooded their minds.

It was shortly after my grandpa’s death that we found the article about his younger brother, Pfc. Clayton Hayes. The article told of how Clayton and his troop helped families carry their belongings back to their war-ravaged homes in Normandy. The article was written in June 1944, just three months before Clayton died as a war-hero.

For many of us, it’s been a long couple of months that we’ve felt our freedoms were stripped under orders to stay at home—not work, not see friends or family, not go out unless necessary. While it’s been a trying season and we’re all ready to experience more freedoms, let’s not forget those who died for them.

First and foremost, Jesus died—paying the highest price—so that you could live, not to please yourself, but for Him. Second, remember the men and women who fought and died protecting the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Today, take a moment to pray for the families who’ve lost loved ones in the wars. Pray also for those who are currently serving in the military, as well as their families. Then, as you see those who’ve served, say, “Thank you.” My stepdad, who served in both Vietnam and in Desert Storm, always says, “All anyone has to say is, ‘Thank you.’” Finally, spend time asking God how you can serve others. We’re not all called to the military, but we’re all called to serve one another in love.

Article on Pfc. Clayton Hayes, and the others in his troop.
©Heather Potts 2020

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