Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Don't Get Caught Sleeping

God, Turn it Around ~ feat. Jon Reddick | Church of the City


If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. ~ Mark 13:36 NIVUK


Lately, I’ve been feeling an urgency, a pressing, from Holy Spirit for God’s people. This urgency includes sharing Jesus with those who don’t yet know Him, covering our kids—those in our sphere of influence—and praying for the protection of their identity in Christ, and more recently, it also includes waking up the sleeping church.


While researching, I was led to Mark 13:33-37, in which Jesus tells His to keep watch, because no one knows the day or hours of the return of the Son of Man. Jesus said, “It is like a man going to a far country, who left his house and gave authority to his servants, and to each his work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch,” (v. 34 NKJV). Bible commentator David Guzik said Jesus left us three things: (1) His house—His Church; (2) His authority; (3) His work—work assigned to each servant to complete, not doing the work of others, but each completing his own task.


A sleeping servant, therefore, has not been caring for or protecting his Master’s house from thieves or looters. He’s failed to act in the authority left to him, and he hasn’t completed his assigned tasks. Not only does a sleeping servant miss out on the promotions and blessings of a watchful servant, but he’s left knowing he failed his Master.


The image of the sleeping servant vs. the watchful servant reminded me of something I heard our leadership say at our previous church. It was classified as a “mega church” and when it was quickly growing, someone said that though the front door was wide-open, the back door was also cracked. This “watchful servant” didn’t want others to “fall asleep,” thinking that just because their numbers were growing each week that their work was done. He noted that there was a disconnect in their mission if people were sneaking out the back door.


The same is true regarding our marriages, children, and families. We can’t afford to assume that once they are saved, or once they are strong, that our work is done. We can’t get lazy and fall asleep. There’s too much at stake! The enemy is patient and he’s watching, waiting for you to nod off so that he can slip in and steal your treasures. Because he’s cunning and deceptive, he’ll slowly pull them from you. Maybe he’ll start with stealing their respect for you, destroying a bit of your authority. As you continue to drift off to sleep, He’ll weasel into their thoughts and get them to question their identity, value, and worth. A few more naps are all it’ll take for him to steal all your treasure—the people you love—and get you to wonder, “How did that happen?"


Church, friends, don’t get caught sleeping. Jesus said, “What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’” (Mark 13:37 NIVUK).

©Heather Potts 2022

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