Friday, September 11, 2020

Holy Spirit Eyes

Give Me Your Eyes ~ Brandon Heath


Love... Always looks for the best... ~ 1 Corinthians 13:4,7 MSG


People are messy.

We carry baggage longer than we should, allowing our circumstances to dictate our responses toward others. Weary and wounded, we’re almost daring someone to say something, as if it gives us permission to pounce upon an unsuspecting victim. People are messy.


But God is holy. And trustworthy. He is generous and gracious.


Some years ago, I started asking God to give me Holy Spirit eyes, so that I could see people and circumstances the way He does. In my early 20’s, as my relationship with Jesus grew, and as I saw other Christians pray boldly—on behalf of myself and others—I believed this was something I could and should ask.


Though God honored my request, it didn’t make me perfect. I still get to choose the lens through which I see. When I allow my circumstances to get the better of me, then I will only see people through pain, or frustration and fear. But when I remember that I am a child of God—and not of my circumstances—then I get to see! Having your eyes anointed by Holy Spirit allows you to see the leadership qualities in the boy who’s been fighting with everyone. It allows you to see otherwise hidden beauty. But it also allows you to see pain just below the surface of someone who is hurtful. This gift isn’t for personal gain, but for healing.


Being anointed with Holy Spirit eyes, allows you to see truth about others, the way God sees, enabling you to pray or speak life over others, setting them free, (John 8:32). “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news ...” (Isaiah 52:7 NIV). Lord, anoint us with Holy Spirit eyes, that we could speak truth and life over circumstances and others. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

©Heather Potts 2020