Monday, September 6, 2010

In Our Own Eyes

We seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes... ~ Numbers 13:33

From our point of view, we tend to judge ourselves--our lives, bodies, actions, etc.--harsher than anyone else. For example, I have many female friends, all of whom are beautiful. But only a small handful will even accept the compliment that she is beautiful and I don't know how many of those believe that she is beautiful. These women--these beautiful, amazing women--view themselves as less than God created them, as less than He sees them.

I've heard it said that our perception determines our reality. Our perception may not be the truth, but it's still the reality we live in. Consider this visual experiment. Standing in your house, how far can you see? Think about the distance and everything in your field of vision. Now, walk outside your front door. Now what do you see? How much more can you see than inside your home? Can you still see the same amount of details? Now, (in your mind) climb to the highest point of your roof. How much more can you see there than you saw standing outside your front door or inside your house? Now multiply that by infinity and that's what God sees. But since God is omnipresent--everywhere at the same time--He sees the world at large and all the details of you, all at the same time.

We need to stop looking at ourselves, our lives, our circumstances with our own eyes. As we saw from that experiment, we can't capture all the details and see the full distance, but God can. Whatever you're facing--whether it's yourself in the mirror or uncertain, cloudy circumstances or even giants--ask the Lord to help you see with His perception, His field of vision, His point of view.

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