Monday, March 21, 2011

Call It Out

The God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were. ~ Romans 4:17

We serve a God who brings life to the dead and speaks things into existence. Part of the reason we need to renew our minds is so that we can walk in the fullness of Christ, (see Romans 12:2). Grace gives us the fullness of Christ, but if our minds are still of the world and restricted to its limitations, then we will never live in the fullness of Christ. An example of the fullness of Christ is knowing that when we pray (with right motives, as it says in James), God will hear our prayers and answer them. When Jesus’ friend, Lazarus, died, Jesus said, “’Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me,’" (John 11:41-42). Jesus knew before He even opened His mouth that God was listening and would hear and answer His prayer, so when He commanded Lazarus come out of the grave, Lazarus—full of life—walked out.

What has died in your life? Is it a relationship, a dream, a hope? Take on the fullness of Christ that grace gives you, call the dead living and call things that are not as though they are! Thank you, Jesus, that __________ exists in my life. Thank you, Lord, that I have been healed. What can you speak and believe God to do in your life?

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