Saturday, May 7, 2016

His Deep-Seated Love

The Lord is full of compassion and is merciful. ~ James 5:11 AMP

After Brad’s heart surgery, my friend Nichole would come up to the hospital.  Everybody else came to see Brad.  She came just to check on me.  Since they kept the hospital just above freezing, we would sit outside in the October heat, just to thaw.  Once outside, I would ramble and she would listen.  She and I have just as many things in common as not.  And over the years, it’s proven to be the perfect combination that cements our friendship.

Mercy and compassion cause one to be inclined toward another in sympathy, but also compels action.  Instead of Nichole saying, “I feel badly for them,” her compassion toward us caused her to come to the hospital and sit quietly with me until I felt better, or at least until I thawed.  And that’s how the Lord works in the hearts of His people.  He lays His deep-seated love for us in the hearts of others to compel them to call, show up, make a meal, or any number of things just to remind us how much He loves us and to show us that we are not alone.

The compassion that God has for us is part of His unconditional love.  It won’t go away, because He’ll never stop pursuing us.  He loves us too much.

Thank you, Father, that You never stop pursuing us.  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

©Heather Potts 2016

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