Monday, July 4, 2016

Count the Cost

For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it ~ Luke 14:28 NKJV

I dislike shoe shopping.
I have small feet and am very picky about how my shoes look and feel. But since I’ve taken up running, having properly fitting running shoes is a must. But I put it off… Until I saw that I had literally worn away the tread on my shoes. So I started shoe shopping, with no luck. Praise God my genius husband told me to research the best shoe for my strike and foot. I discovered that I strike on the ball (vs. heel) of my foot, likely from years of dancing. And my feet roll outward (vs. inward) as I step. There were 3 shoes that were best for me. I felt more confident knowing both the type and cost. And after the next shopping excursion, I came home with running shoes specifically designed for me.

The Bible says that before beginning anything new, it’s best to “count the cost,” determining what you’ll pay in money, time, and energy. Saying “yes” to something means saying “no” to something else. As you begin, ask “What is the cost, what is the benefit, and does the benefit outweigh the cost?” If the benefit doesn’t outweigh the cost, perhaps now isn’t the proper time to begin or take on this particular project. The cost in getting new shoes was high. But the benefit was a savings from one or more injuries, possibly medical expenses, fun time missed with my family, and lost wages if Brad had to miss work to care for me. In the end, the benefit far outweighed the cost of getting proper shoes.

What endeavors are you thinking of undertaking? What desires are you wanting to fulfill? Weigh the cost against the benefit and then seek godly counsel—especially God’s first and foremost. When you do, you’ll get the answer for both direction and timing.

©Heather Potts 2016

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