Friday, August 11, 2017


They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” ~ Luke 18:37 NIV

Our family has been in a state of transition longer than I can guess. Transition is movement or change. Change is causing something’s form, nature, or future course to be different from what it is or would be if left alone. Keeping our eyes completely fixed on Jesus, this idea that our paths will be completely different has amazing and endless possibilities! But having left her friends and everything she’s ever known, Savannah is really struggling with this transition. While she understands that God called us here, she doesn’t understand is why we can’t “go home.” Home. That settled, comfortable place where we can relax and breathe, knowing all the rules, boundaries, and expectations. Home. A place to call “mine.” And it’s not just Savannah who’s struggling with this; we all are on different days.

But is it as bad as we feel? Luke 18:35-43 tells the story of a blind beggar who also found himself in a state of transition. Upon hearing the crowd grow excited, the blind beggar asked who was coming. “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” “Passing by” is part of transition. Though Jesus was the One causing the movement, it was the blind beggar whose life was about to change forever! Verses 38-43 reveal that the man cried out to Jesus louder and louder until Jesus called him over and said his faith had healed him.

There are 3 ways to look at the blind man’s transition. 1) Long. Blind from birth, he wasn’t healed for many years. 2) Short. He heard Jesus was near, cried out to Him, and immediately received healing. 3) In Christ. God’s desire is that we’d change into the likeness of His image and keep moving toward His plan for our lives—both the blind beggar and our family.

While the transition for our family feels long, and sometimes emotional, I pray that Holy Spirit will help us to look at it as neither long or short, but in Christ. Because in Christ, the possibilities are amazing and endless!

©Heather Potts 2017

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