Tuesday, October 16, 2018

14-Year Prayer

When You Say Nothing at All ~ Noting Hill Soundtrack

Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. ~ Hebrews 10:23 NLT

Lord, today we’re celebrating 14 years of marriage. That’s 14 years of facing storms, of trials and victories, of missteps and mistakes, of getting back up and trying again, of walking together, of needing You more than before, of learning together, of tears and loss, of fun and lots of laughter, of discovering new favorites and sharing old ones, of making new friends and cherishing long-time friends, of combating fears and overcoming odds, of dreaming, praying, and celebrating, of new adventures and making the journey together.

While we don’t know where the next year or 100 years will take us, I pray that we would keep on walking, dancing, laughing, loving, and going on this journey stronger and closer today than yesterday, and even more so tomorrow. Keep our hearts soft toward each other and humble before You.

Lord, watch over my husband. Bless him beyond his imagining and open his eyes to Your dreams for him. Bless our marriage and move in us, Lord. Embolden and strengthen us to move in Your power and victory. Cover over our family, Lord. Help us to be like You, that we would lead our girls in love, truth, peace, life, and laughter through our words and by our example.

Lord, this is my 14-year prayer for our family. Be ever-present in our lives, Lord. Help us to spread everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of You. Thank you for 14 years of marriage. I pray for 100 more—more blessings, more love, and more of You. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

Oceans ~ Hillsong
©Heather Potts 2018

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