Sunday, April 5, 2020

Watch the Son-Rise

I Speak Jesus ~ Here be Lions

When the earth goes topsy-turvy And nobody knows which end is up, I nail it all down, I put everything in place again. ~ Psalm 75:3MSG

The world is in chaos. 
Your dishes and laundry are piling up.
You're missing work and socializing with your friends.
Your kids are all over the place - OK one minute and melt-down-city the next.
Virtual school, virtual work, and the virtual world may lead to early grays or baldness due to stress.
The uncertainty of what you can do, what you'll be able to afford, and how long will this "new normal" will last are starting to wear heavily on you.

But there is hope!
A new day is dawning, and the SON is rising!
Just as the world seemed dark and gray on that one Friday and Saturday, Hope rose on Sunday.
The Son rose and brought with Him light and life.

Do not fret about the world and the dreary circumstances.
Instead, trust in Jesus and watch the Son rise!
©Heather Potts 2020


  1. I really think I'm seeing more grays! And yes, so many dishes. Thanks for writing and encouraging! I miss you!

  2. I miss you, too. Praying this pandemic clears quickly!
