Monday, July 20, 2020

In the Midst

Awake My Soul ~ Hillsong

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. ~ John 10:27 NKJV

I remember when I first began cultivating my relationship with God. I read a book in which the author said the only way to hear from God was when we were quiet. Wanting to hear from God, I sat in our spare bedroom, quiet, straining to hear, but all I heard were the noises our house made. Frustrated to tears, I called a good friend and leader who said that my relationship with God is as unique as I am and He’ll speak to me when and how He chooses, in ways and at times that I will know it’s Him.

After hearing her words, I relaxed. Then, just as she said, I began hearing from God at all different times: in the shower, in the car while rushing to work, during prayer, while jogging, but most often during worship. Whether on my knees or bouncing with my hands lifted high, it was when my heart was completely focused on Him that I heard my God speaking to me. I believe that was the author’s intention when I read, years ago, that I had to be quiet to hear God. He was saying to get our focus off everything else and focus only on God. When we purpose to align our hearts and minds on God, it’s amazing how much easier we’ll hear.

Whatever you’re facing today—whatever challenges or circumstances—take some time to purposefully focus on God. He may not speak to you right away, but in the midst of life and circumstances, He’ll speak.
©Heather Potts 2020

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