Saturday, December 19, 2020

My Strength & Song

Strength ~ Melissa Helser & Cageless Birds | 18 Inch Journey Live Worship Moment


Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the Lord God is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation. ~ Isaiah 12:2 NASB1995


On Thursday evening, I received word that my dear friend, Andrea, who’s been battling cancer off and on for over a decade, had seizures again last week. The doctors said they’ve done everything they can for her and feel her body is just tired of fighting, so hospice has been called. I will not lie; the news came as a blow and shock. Regardless of how bad things have looked, God’s always stepped in, in mighty ways. But hearing that they were giving up left me struggling for words. Nevertheless, I went to God and He reminded me to trust and not be afraid, because He is my strength and song.


Why am I telling you this and sharing her story? Because we’re all battling something, and we need the reminder that there is hope and help. Regardless of the battle, the solution is the same: Jesus!


Isaiah 12:2 says the Lord is our strength, which reminds me of a young child dancing on her daddy’s feet. You are that young child, invited to stand on your Daddy’s feet. We are called, not to stand in our own strength, but to take each step in His! The verse also says that He is our song. There are numerous scriptures of singing praises to God. The one that stands out the most to me is Psalm 149:6-9, which says that praising God takes the chains off you and puts them around the enemy. The imagery reminds me of a story Joyce Meyer told, in Battlefield of the Mind, of a man who’d been sick for many years. He’d been praying to God for healing, but was about to give up, because he was still sick. Then God gave him a vision, showing that a messenger of Satan was sent to speak lies to the man. But when the man spoke the Word of God, a sword and a flame came out of the man’s mouth to attack the messenger.


There is power in our praising and strength in our God! Father, I ask that You would continue to strengthen us. Lord, I pray for healing for Andrea and all of us. Lord, as Jesus sent out all doubters from the house before he healed the girl who was thought to be dead, we banish all doubt from our minds and our homes! Let only praise be heard in our houses and on our lips. Father, I thank you that You are our strength and our song, and we will win our battles in You! In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!

©Heather Potts 2020