Friday, January 22, 2021


Joy ~ for KING & COUNTRY


And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. ~ Hebrews 10:24 NIV


When I was in elementary school, you wanted to get “caught” by the teachers. It meant you were doing something kind, helpful, or another good behavior, for which you’d receive a “Caught You Doing Something Good” certificate. After collecting a few, you could turn them in for a small prize. Although it was likely a cheap toy, every student wanted to get “caught”.


Fast forwarding to about four years ago, as small group leaders, our church asked us to send thank you notes to those who served at our church. While there were many greeters at church, one stood out for the way he purposefully greeted every child. Either with a high-five or just smile and hello to them, he made a point of greeting each one. Brad sent his note to this greeter, thanking him for making our girls feel special and welcome. He noted that even though they were shy, they definitely noticed when he wasn’t there to make them feel special and personally greeted.


Sadly, we live in a fallen world and in a time when many are quick to point out our errors, missteps, and how we’ve offended them. While it makes the world feel darker, it gives us, as the body of Christ, an opportunity to shine all the brighter. Anyone can see someone’s faults, but it takes practice and prayerful help from Holy Spirit to “catch” and compliment one another on their love and “good deeds” towards others.


Who needs a kind word, thanks, or “Caught You Doing Something Good” card? Regardless of our age, we all want to be seen, known, and loved. Today and over the next few weeks, I challenge you to ask Holy Spirit to help you “catch” others doing something good. You never know how it will encourage them.

©Heather Potts 2021

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