Thursday, July 11, 2024


Praying Woman ~ Anne Wilson ft. Lainey Wilson


For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus ~ Ephesians 2:10 AMP


When we were little, our choices for day-time TV were game shows, soap operas, or something on PBS. Once, we watched a woman weaving on a large loom. She was in the middle of her project when we started watching. As a child, I didn’t enjoy watching it. But now, knowing how God works in our lives, it’s interesting to think about it.


Last Sunday, I had the honor of being on the prayer team at church. Somebody mentioned to us that prayer, while very important, was a thankless job. His word “thankless” immediately surprised me. The worship team, the pastors, and those in kids’ ministry are all seen, so it’s possible they are “thanked” often. But praying is an honor. It’s empowering and encouraging, especially when I get to pray with others.


1 Corinthians 12 refers to the Church as a body. Just as one body part (eye, ear, pinky toe) can’t run the whole show, neither can one person or just one ministry. It takes all of us to make the Body work. It’s in the whole Body that God is weaving His beauty. Each strand in His tapestry may not see how it affects the rest, even when they are smooshed up against each other. It’s not until the weaver steps back to admire His work that the completed work and beauty are seen.


I didn’t see it last Thursday, when I was having a pity-party. I complained to God. I complained to a friend. It was bad! Fortunately, God loved me enough to kick me in the pants and call me out of it. Then, He called me to pray. Prayer between me and God is still sometimes just between us, even if it’s for other people. But sometimes, He calls me to share what’s been prayed. God gave me a list of people and I prayed whatever He gave me. By the time I was done, I felt so empowered! I texted the friend I’d been complaining to and told her how empowered I felt!


But the Weaver wasn’t done. Some of the women I’d prayed for needed hope! This was the reminder that their Heavenly Father sees, hears, and knows them, and He’s still with them. I didn’t know that. I was just praying because He said to do it.


As a thread in the Weaver’s tapestry, you may not see how you’re adding to the beauty of His masterpiece. Just know, in the hands of the Weaver, as He threads your story through valleys and mountain peaks, each part is part of His plan, His masterpiece.

©Heather Potts 2024

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