Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's Never a Reason

It's only money!

Who says that? That was said by a person who was not following along the path they were called and were, instead, living for themselves. The story in yesterday's Word for You Today tells of a business man who was so comfortable with his money and with his way of life, that when God called him, he didn't go; he didn't follow the path God chose for him. That resulted in his never feeling satisfied, always feeling empty, hollow, inside. He did finally turn to what God had called him to do, but now he says that he feels as though it's just a race against the clock and he's running out of time. "It's only money! It's never a reason not to follow Christ. It's never a reason not to do the thing He has called you to do."

What has God called you to do? Perhaps it's writing a book, being a school teacher, starting a business, having a child, being a counselor, being a pastor, planting a church, being a doctor or a nurse. Whatever God has called you to, you need not worry about the things you will "give up" for Him. For the Bible tells us, "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life," (Matthew 19:29). When you begin to follow what the Lord has called you to, the feeling in the pit of your stomach--the one that's been telling you that there's something missing--goes away, because you're fulfilling God's plan for your life.

It's scary, facing the unknown, but ask the Lord to show you the way:
Lord, I want to live my life for you, Jesus. I don't want to mess up what you want to do in my life. Show me what you want me to do--cast the vision in my Spirit so strongly that I can't ignore it anymore. Then, Father, send people to help encourage me and to help me take that next step. Lord, I confess that I'm nervous, but with you as the Lord of my life, what can stop me? What can knock me down? As your Word says, "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:1). Thank you, Jesus, for not sending me on this journey alone, but for always being by my side. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen.

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