Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Painting Glass Jars

I’ve been following instruction from a friend who said if you need and desire something from God, you must clearly state what you desire, what seed you will sow to have it, and then you must spend at least one minute visualizing it.  My problem wasn’t in writing the statement, or even deciding to sow the seed, but it was in the visualization.  Being asked to visualize something I’m not sure I understand or have ever seen is like being handed a glass jar with the instructions of painting something beautiful on it.

If you know me at all, you know that while I’m creative in writing, painting and drawing are certainly not my fortes. It’s been frustrating when it came time to visualize, because I didn’t know what I was looking for.  It wasn’t a lack of creative license, but more a lack of something familiar to assimilate to.  So, a good friend asked me to ask God what this vision looked like through His eyes.  That helped to push me in the right direction, but I still had no real picture…Until today.

This morning as I was having my quiet time, the time came to paint my glass jar and I was given a small glimpse of a portion of the drawing on the jar.  And then I was given instruction as to how to begin the drawing on the jar.  Painting on a glass jar takes great preparation and care.  If I were to begin painting right away without the full vision, I might be scrambling later to clean up a sloppy job.  I wasn’t told that painting my jar would be easy.  But God promised that if I sought Him, He’d show me both how and what to paint on my jar.

What do you need God to do in your life?  If He's calling you to paint your own glass jar, ask Him to show you how.  He promises He will.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. ~ Matthew 6:33

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