Thursday, February 14, 2013

Peeling Oranges

I was trying to get, what I was told, was a simple answer to a complex question.  I went to the most logical "go-to" person first.  That lead me to another somewhat logical person, which lead me to a third party, which sent me doing research on my own, which got me nowhere.  Frustrated as I was, I looked at my co-worker and said, "Trying to get this answered is like trying to peel an orange with purple paint!"  It seemed impossible.

But then I prayed and said, "God, you make the impossible possible.  Show me what I'm missing.  Show me the way to get the answer."  And I believed He would.  A few more "go-to" people later, I had my answer.  And the answer came to that person very easily.  She walked me through the process and I was able to get done what I needed.

Are you looking at a situation or circumstance that feels like trying to peel an orange with purple paint?  Put it all down and say to God, "You control everything.  You can even make peeling this orange with paint possible.  Show me the way."  When you believe He will, the answer will be yours.

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." ~ Matthew 19:26

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