Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Strength Found


Strength ~ Melissa Helser & Cageless Birds

 He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]. [II Cor. 12:9.] ~ Isaiah 40:29 AMPC

The other day, after watching MercyMe’s latest video, “Say I Won’t”, which is a powerful message about persevering in the face of great odds, my thoughts strayed. The video portrays the incredible work this man, a quadruple amputee, has done to still enjoy life with his family. But I noticed that, while his wife was there, they didn’t tell her story…

I will confess, I let my thoughts linger there a little longer than they should have, as I have been the wife who has supported, encouraged, cared for, and prayed desperately for a husband who’s faced struggles over the years. Thankfully, Holy Spirit was faithful to remind me my strength failed quickly, and that it was His strength I was drawing on because He was always with me—with us.

Friend, if you are the spouse, parent, or even child of someone who is walking through major challenges, I can empathize. But I don’t just want to empathize with you. I also want to encourage and challenge you to not rely on your own strength. It’s an easy trap to fall into, one carefully laid out by the enemy, to keep your focus off your hope and help and onto yourself: your wants, your needs, your feelings, your exhaustion… Psalm 121 reminds us that our strength comes not from mountains, which seem so strong, but from God, who made heaven, earth, and the mountains, (vv.1-2).

If you are feeling weary, it’s time to turn back to the One who will refresh you and cause your strength to abound. God knows what He's called you to and knows the journey that lies ahead of you. When you lean fully on God, He will strengthen you to follow Him.

Praying for your journey!

©Heather Potts 2021

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