Thursday, June 17, 2021

Truth or Lies

Fear is a Liar ~ Zach Williams

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. ~ Psalm 91:1 NKJV

There’s a series of books for young readers called, Who Would Win, which matches two animals against each other, shares their strengths and weaknesses, then asks the reader, “Who would win?”. The books are fun to read and the author does a good job of presenting the case for both sides. I wonder, if Truth was matched against lies, who do you think would win? Ultimately, we know that Truth will prevail, but what about in our everyday lives? Do we allow Truth or lies to run our lives?

It occurred to me the other day that I’d recently believed some old lies. Thankfully, I recognized them faster than I had in previous times. The other night, when I sat down with my journal and wrote down all the lies I'd heard, I was shocked to see I had believed seven lies. However, the benefit of writing them in a journal is that I was able to cross out each lie and write a Truth in its place.

John 8:44 says “there is no truth in [the devil]. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it,” (NKJV). Satan's distinguishing nature and personal character traits are pulled from his supply of lies. Jesus counters the devil's lies by reminding us to abide in and dwell with Him. It’s through our time with Jesus that we’ll learn the truth, and only the truth can set us free from the lies we’ve believed, (Psalm 91:1; John 15:4; 8:31-32). 

Reflecting, now, on your life and habits, are you abiding and dwelling with Jesus? Are you positioning yourself to learn, believe, and remember His truths? Or have you taken a vacation from abiding and dwelling? Taking a vacation is easy. Staying disciplined takes effort. But remaining disciplined will save you the grief of letting lies dictate your life and decisions. Based on your current choices, who would win: Truth or lies? 

©Heather Potts 2021

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