Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The But Factor

"So begin using your faith in small things," (Word for You Today, 16 Mar 2010). God rewards faith used in the small things. If we will get in the habit of going to God in the small things, then when the "big" things arise, we will turn to God much faster than if we are not in that habit. Most people, myself included, are not in the habit of going to God in the small stuff, so when the "big stuff" happens, we are totally lost.

My favorite verse is John 16:33, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." This has been my favorite verse because it seemed as though I was constantly having trouble--if I wasn't sick, then my husband was sick; if we weren't sick, then one of us was out of work; if we weren't out of work, then we were sick or having some other problem. That cycle just went round and round and round...and round, for years. Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble," and believe me, I felt the trouble! And then He said one of my favorite words: but. But is one of my favorite words, because it negates everything that comes before it. Jesus said some sweet words: "But take heart! I have overcome the world." They are sweet words because He said that trouble--all that junk we don't like--doesn't matter. That's not to say that it doesn't matter to us while we are going through it. It just means that in the grand scheme of things, from heaven's vantage point, our "trouble" is insignificant as compared to the power that is in Christ Jesus. When Jesus says to us, "Take heart," He's telling us: I've taken care of it; you can quit stressing over it, because I'm in control and I'm watching out for you.

But we must have faith that He is able to take care of it--all of it--in our individual lives. Jesus didn't just come to the earth to save us from hell. He came that He may have a relationship with each unique individual. He came that He could meet us right where we were at--whatever level, whatever need, He came to meet us there. For our part, we need to make sure we don't just use the "but factor" in the big stuff. We need--I need--to remember how He helped in the big stuff and keep looking to Him in the small stuff. So often, when small issues arise, I will look to me and ask, how can I make this happen. It's in those times the Lord waits patiently to see if I will remember to turn to Him.

It helps me to remember it this way:
God made all matter. I am made from matter. In God's eyes, I am what matters.

When I look at things that way, it gets easier to call on Him for big things and little things alike. The next time that trouble--of any size--arises, remember the but factor and take heart in Jesus.

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