Thursday, March 4, 2010

Takes Two I's

Ever heard the phrase, "If you don't use it, you'll lose it"? Usually, this phrase refers to every day things, like a fit body, being able to do complicated math, being fluent or at least half-way decent at a foreign language...things like that. What it usually doesn't refer to, but applies to is intimacy, intimacy with your spouse, intimacy with God, and intimacy with fellow Christians. Achieving intimacy can be a slow process, but once it's achieved, it's better to maintain it through a little bit of extra effort, than to let laziness or wrong priorities let you slip from that level of intimacy.

The word "intimacy" means "detailed knowledge or deep understanding of," ( The word intimacy has two "i's" because it takes two individuals to make it work. Intimacy with God is probably the easiest to achieve or move back into, because God is always open and desiring intimacy with us. If we have hurt or become distant from a spouse or a friend, it may take more work to achieve intimacy again.

What should we do if we've fallen out of intimacy with God, our spouse, or fellow Christians? First, we must confess our part. Since intimacy takes two, then no matter how big or small, we had a part to play in losing it. We need to go to the party with whom we want to regain that intimacy and confess our part. Second, we need to ask for forgiveness. If there has been any hurt, whether intended or not, asking for forgiveness helps to lead the way back to achieving intimacy again. And third, we need to make it a priority. What ever you put your most effort into, where you set your priorities, those things usually get done. With making it a priority, ask Jesus to be in it. There is strength where two or more are gathered, (see Matthew 18:20).

Let me encourage you, if you don't feel as close to God as you once did, spend extra time alone with Him. Wait on Him, to hear what He has to say. God longs to have a close relationship with all of His kids. He already knows us intimately--He knows the number of hairs on our head and knit us together in our mother's womb, (Matthew 10:30, Psalm 139:13). And just like a spouse or a friend, He wants to come first, He wants to be a priority. Pray, today, and ask the Lord to show you the way back and He will guide your steps.

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