Monday, March 8, 2010

That We May

This past weekend, Pastor Randy talked about healing meaning "wholeness." He said healing isn't just physical, but it's also emotional and mental. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life," (John 3:16). Why did God have to send His Son? He had to send Him because there is sin in this world, so that we would not "perish," as it says in that verse. John 10:10 tells us that the devil came to the earth to do three things: kill, steal, and destroy. Jesus, however, came so that we may have life to the fullest.

In John 10:10, when Jesus said He came so that we may have life to the fullest, what what did He mean? What about all who are suffering and dying? What about those who are hit by tragedy? What about them? Jesus didn't say that we are living a life to the fullest or, even, that we will live a life to the fullest. He said that we may have it. The word "may" is used to express a possibility, an opportunity, permission, or a contingency, ( In other words, we are allowed to live a life to the fullest, but we don't have to have it; we don't have to choose it. I know what you're thinking, who wouldn't choose to live a life to the fullest if it were available to them for the taking? Just trek with me for a minute.

Think about abuse victims. Think about someone who has lived with an overbearing disease for many years. Think about those with depression. How much hope do you think they have? How much change do you think they expect to see? They may hope for hope, but when they are on the precipice of life-altering change, they back away. Why? Because change is scary. An abuse victim does not want to be abused, nor does someone who is sick, hurting, or scared want to stay that way, but, as strange as it sounds, there is comfort in familiarity. Change is scary, because it will take a person to a place they've always desired to be, but have never been. When they come face to face with this possibility for change, for something new and different, some think, "What will I do if this doesn't work out? How will I handle it?" For some, that's too difficult to go near.

Jesus said He came that we may have life to the fullest. God said He sent His Son so that we may choose to believe in Him and not perish. It is available to us, but we have to do the simplest, but hardest thing: we have to receive it, we have to accept it, we have to make that choice, we have to seek it out, we have to believe in it, and we have to live it out. Whether it's the first time or the hundredth time, we have to go for it. Jesus has offered it to you. How desperate are you for it? How much do you want life to the fullest?

Let's pray:
Lord, this thing in my life--you know what it is--I don't want it anymore. I'm reaching out to the hand you extend, that I, too, may have life to the fullest. Lord, there's a part of me that's afraid, even though I know that fear is just a lie; still, I'm nervous. Lord, I pray that you would walk with me, all the way through this process of change. Lord, I want to have life, and life to the fullest, like you promised. Lord, I see the hand that you have stretched out to me for so long, that I have ignored. Lord, today is different, because today I'm reaching out to grab your hand, that you will pull me out and pull me through, that I will be forever different after today. Lord, thank you for this gift that you have so freely given me. It's in Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.

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