Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Opposite of the Truth

A lie is the opposite of the truth and no substitution will ever satisfy like the real thing.

In Genesis 2:16-17, God commanded Adam & Eve to eat of anything in the Garden except from the tree of Good and Evil, for if they did, they would surely die. In Genesis 3:4-5, the serpent told Eve that she would not die, but that instead her eyes would be opened and she would be like God. After hearing that, the woman, in Genesis 3:6, saw that the fruit was good for food, pleasing to the eye, and desirable for gaining wisdom. The result: Adam and Eve both ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, hid from God, were banished from the Garden, and were no longer able to eat from the tree of Life, (Genesis 3:6, 23-24).

Isn't this what happens when you go fishing? You hide the hook with something pretty, shiny, and desirable and wiggle it around in such a way that makes the fish believe this is something he wants. So he follows it for a bit and then takes a big bite. The result: he's just become your dinner. Satan works like this often. He reveals to us a very attractive lie, speckled with pieces of the truth. He dangles it in front of us, drawing us closer and closer to his serpent's hole. When he finally has us all the way in, that's when he eats us alive.

Don't believe the lie. Do with it what you should do with all words that are spoken to you: line it up with the Word of God. Take every thought, idea, and word before the Throne. God's purity has a way of revealing the lies of shadows and shining His light upon the truth. If God has called you for greatness, then the lie might be to get you to ruin it or not believe it, by inundating you with doubts. If God has said you are ready to begin, then the lie might be that you have to be better, smarter, purer, or more prepared before you can even think about beginning.

When God calls us, He prepares us, and His way is already laid out for us. God doesn't call the qualified, lest they believe it was their power and might. God qualifies the called, that He may receive all the praise and glory. Long before the creation of the world, the Lord said, "I have have called you by name," (Isaiah 43:1). That name is the purpose for which He has called you. When the Lord calls you, He knows what He's doing and He has no doubts about the decision He made in choosing you. He has purposely set you apart for His special purposes and His perfect will. Spend time, today, before His Throne, asking Him to reveal to you the Truth in everything you are hearing and cast the rest away as a lie.

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