Tuesday, May 25, 2010


In his book, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, Mark Batterson talks about ridiculous prayers, saying, "A request can never be too ridiculous when you're asking the One who knows no limits," (34). In Chapter two, Batterson quotes the story of the ax head that floated, to prove his point, (see 2 Kings 6:1-7). He describes the density of an iron as head vs. the density of water and summed it up by saying, "Iron ax heads don't float," (31). Batterson said the only way to ever find out if the unimaginable could happen is to, "Pray a ridiculous prayer," (31)

And what is a ridiculous prayer? Perhaps its praying for an "A" on the test; or that you'd be asked to prom; or that the A/C in your car would work; or that your dog's limp would heal; or that your marriage would be saved. If you look throughout the Bible, there are hundreds of miracles that all started with a ridiculous prayer. The ax head we heard about earlier was on example. Another example is the woman who needed a miracle or she would lose her sons to her dead husband's debt. Her miracle came in the form of oil, (see 2 Kinds 4:1-7). Another is how will we feed a multitude with 5 loaves and 2 fish (see John 6:1-15). And the list goes on and on. You see, to God, the size and weight of your problem don't matter.

To the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the only ridiculous prayer is the one you never ask. If God cares enough about the little things to answer Elisha's prayer about an ax head and Jesus' prayer about wine at a wedding feast, don't you think that He cares about your cares and desires, too. What issue or care or struggle have you been silent about because you think it's too ridiculous for your God to answer?


  1. And on that note you'd love the blog "A Place Called Simplicity" written by a pastors wife. She has something called "Memorial Monday" that is a day for all to share their stories of God answering prayers and doing the seemingly imposible. I love to read her blog and all the stories from the bloggers on Mondays. It's awesome! Such an encouragement.

    I prayed a prayer for a 'memorial box' of my own for my little growing family. I have told the Lord I wanted to be the mother of boys my whole life. He answered my prayer and gave me a box alright. An the box is the most bedazzled priate chest a girl ever saw! I cried when it got placed on my desk. Because it was only a box. But a box that we wanted to place things that represent what the Lord has done for us in. So to Him it wasn't just a box but a memorial of His love, working, and goodness.

    He knows our innermost desires. Our needs. Our silly prayers. An He desires to show us Himself through those avenues and many more just how much He cares and finds joy in fellowship with us.

    On that note, I pray He touches the car's air conditioning and makes it blow colder faster! Because our God is more than a mechanic! :)

  2. The A/C was actually working better yesterday. Now I'm praying that the price of the converter--the mechanic told me I need--isn't too expensive.
