Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Pray and Never Give Up

Jesus told his disciples a parable to show that they should pray and not give up. ~ Luke 18:1

In Daniel chapter 10, Daniel received a vision that troubled him, so he set himself to fasting for three weeks for the answer. We read that it wasn't until after the three weeks was up that the angel came to him, (see Daniel 10:1-14). A friend of mine told her story, which was like so many stories, of how her husband was not the man whom she felt God had promised her. For years, she prayed and fasted and loved God and His people. Then she would get frustrated at no results, so she went back to praying and fasting some more. I still remember standing in her kitchen and the shock that hit me when she said, "If this doesn't work, I'm going to give up." It broke my heart when she said it, because I've heard too many women say that line and then, shortly there after, give up. Fortunately, God had a line all His own: He told her to pray and not give up. A very short time later, within a month, her husband had breakthrough--their marriage had breakthrough. It was small at first, but as they both dug into God, God was faithful and it grew.

What have you been praying for? What are you believing for? A friend once told me that our prayers are like men in battle. If we fail to pray, then we fail to send one of our men to fight for us, which gives the other side the advantage. And if we give up praying all together, then who is left to fight for us? I know that the road is difficult and I know that you're tired. But know that as Daniel's answer was just around the corner, as was my friend's, as is yours, if you'll keep praying and never give up.


  1. Thank you for telling the story of your dearly loved friend...Her story is real and very scary, MY PRAYER is that everyone never gives up, our prayers are so important, they are strong to the pulling down of strongholds in the unseen realms, we need to stand and fight. And bring our friends along side to fight for us as well! Bless you my awesome sister, I love you so much for telling your friends story! I pray that it will help everyone who reads of her struggle, and her success because she chose to listen to her Lord and Savior's voice. D

  2. Awesome Heather!

    A greater understanding of the profoundly deep love of our Heavenly Father towards us has been a help to me in 'the waiting.' I didn't always know this truth and hence would get frustrated myself. Praise be to the Lord for not wanting me to stay spiritually dumb for any longer once I reached the crossroad. He drew me right to the truth in His Word about His love (grace) revelation.

    I love the story about the little soldiers being the prayers out to fight the battle for us. We will see victory upon victory when we couple our faith with equal part belief in what Christ won for us through His obedience in death (once & for all). We can take those, "If it be Your will Lord's" to "I am because of Your Son Lord." I just speak to who I am in Jesus right now. Calling forth the fullness of my (our) inheritance in Him.

    As for my house we are praying for:

    1- What car do you want me to get Lord?
    (We thank you Lord for the 'wheels' you are providing for us! May this purchase glorify your ability to provide because you love us and supply our needs.)

    2- Who is our child and where do we find them or get to them?
    (Thank you Lord for making us parents and preparing us for parenting the special kids you bring right to us! Thank you for showing us favor and for quickening our path to them! We seek to honor You Lord and exalt Jesus' through the raising of these children!)

    Great Post and sharing!

    Sweet Blessings,
    The Mouth Behind the Moose
