Saturday, May 22, 2010

Steps C-Y

Did you ever notice that when we've been called by God and a vision has been cast for us, the only things that are revealed are the final step (which we'll call "Z") and the next step (which we'll call "B"). What about steps "C-Y"? One of the leaders in our church once said that she was glad God never showed her the "middle steps," for if He had, she never would have said yes in the beginning.

I'm willing to bet Abraham would be much the same way. Abraham, known back in those days as Abram, was upset because he had no children of his own and was afraid all his possessions would be passed on to a servant in his household. But the Lord said, "'[Your servant] will not be your heir, but a son coming from your own body will be your heir.' He took him outside and said, 'Look up at the heavens and count the stars...So shall your offspring be,'" (Genesis 15:4-5). Even for all of Abram's fretting, the Lord has a plan and lays it out for Abram, telling him that not only will he have one son, but descendants so numerous, you won't be able to count them all. You'll notice that in this scene, only the final vision has been cast and nothing more.

After an undetermined time, Abram and Sari (as they were known at that time) looked at each other and saw that there were still not kids, gut they must have believed what God said was true, for Sari said, "Go, sleep with my maidservant, perhaps I can build my family through her," (Genesis 16:2). So Abram did and the maidservant bore him a son named Ishmael. Some more time went by and the Lord appeared to Abram and told him He was changing his name to Abraham--father of many nations--and Sari's name to Sarah, saying, "I will bless her and will surely give you a son by her," (Genesis 17:16). Abraham chuckled to himself in disbelief, but the Lord said, "Your wife Sarah will bear you a son and you will call him Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him, an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him...Sarah will bear [him] to you by this time next year," (Genesis 17:19,21). One year later, Sarah had a son, whom they name Isaac, just as God had said.

So far we have the vision (step Z): you'll be the father of many nations; and the next step (step B): Sarah will have a son named Isaac. So what about steps C-Y? If you know the story, then you know that God commands Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham does as the Lord commands, but right before he's able to slay his son, the Lord stops him and provides a ram in his place (see Genesis 22:1-18). Do you think that if God revealed to Abraham that in step F he'd be sacrificing his son, that Abraham and Sarah would still have come together to have Isaac? Or do you think that when step F arose and it was time to kill his only son that Abraham hesitated? Do you think he said, "Lord, I know you promised me these things, but this is my only son,"? What about you? Are you somewhere between steps C and Y, wondering if God's word will hold true, wondering why you must pass through this trial or this test, wondering if you'll even make it to the next step, let alone step Z?

If that's you, take heart! You must have faith and believe, as Sarah--who judged Him faithful--and Abraham --who was credited with righteousness--for He who promised is faithful, (see Genesis 15:6; Hebrews 11:11). That must be your motto. If you find yourself staring down a threat that wants to eat you alive, just remember, your only enemy knows that in the end he'll lose to your God and your God is faithful to the things He promises. God doesn't ask us to go it alone and He doesn't ask us to worry about step Y if we're only on step C. What is your next step? What do you need to get through? Ask God for enough strength and wisdom to get through that and He will supply all your needs, for He who promised is faithful.

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