Friday, June 11, 2010

Enlightened Eyes

Wisdom brightens a man's face and changes its hard appearance. ~ Ecclesiastes 8:1

I think it was my mom who used to say, "Don't judge someone till you've walked a mile in their shoes." At least it sounds like something my mom would say. Having come from a background that exposed me to things that some people have never known, I'm able to have compassion on people in a way that others may never understand. One of my mentors often says, "I don't have to commit every sin in order to give counsel on a matter." She said it's because the Holy Spirit is her counsel on the matter and we are able to trust in His counsel to lead and guide us. I believe this is where godly counsel, the Holy Spirit, and wisdom all meet.

The scripture above isn't talking about book or head knowledge. It's referring to God-inspired wisdom, Holy Spirit wisdom. Looking through human eyes, I see a lot of cranky people who are moody and sometimes down right rude. But, when my eyes have been enlightened by the Holy Spirit, I see a beautiful soul who's been hurt by the world around her. She's crying out desperately for your help, but doesn't know how to ask in any other body language than what's been shown to her, and that is why she seems harsh. We need to look with Holy Spirit enlightened eyes at a hurting world, in order to love others. If we continue to look only with human eyes, we will miss the potential in so many people.

When you see people, do you see only their hard appearance, or has the Holy Spirit enlightened your eyes to see the beauty that is locked within? Ask the Lord, today, to enlighten your eyes, to see past the hardened expression, and into the beauty that's trapped inside. When you see the beauty that's trapped just below the surface, you will begin to feel compelled to pray for them, encourage them, and love on them with the same love that Christ has shown to you.


  1. Awesome Heather, so true! Love your heart!

  2. This is really great!

    Praying for enlightened eyes! I'm linking you up to my facebook page!
