Thursday, June 17, 2010

Smoke & Mirrors

A few weeks ago, I was having a time of it and journaled that life is about perception and attitude. Perception, because your perception determines your reality and attitude, because how you respond to what you perceive determines your results and what happens next, right? Well, yesterday, I was reading TGIF from June 14 and it said, "Perception is not reality." I looked back at what I'd been journaling and realized I'd forgotten the most important element of life: the Truth. You can see the world anyway you want, it doesn't mean that it's real. "The lions may roar and growl, yet the teeth of the great lions are broken," (Job 4:10). What we think we see in "our reality" and what is Truth, are not always the same thing.

Advertisers put a lot of time, money, and energy into getting you to believe or "realize" their reality. If you're not founded on the Truth, then any new reality that comes along might sway you into their perception. James 1:6 says that when we're not founded in the Truth, we are "like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind."

The Bible tells us that the devil is called the "Father of lies," (John 8:44). For him, reality is all about the way we perceive it. The Truth doesn't matter, only the way he spins it. It's like being at a carnival, in the house of mirrors, where each mirror makes you look a different way. If you spend too much time in there, you're likely to come out with a distorted view of yourself, regardless of the Truth you knew before you entered. My friend said that the devil's lies are nothing more than smoke and mirrors, they aren't real and we don't have to buy into that reality.

If you've been bouncing around a not-so-fun-house of smoke and mirrors, ask the Lord to reveal to you His Truth. He's always available to us, even if we aren't always looking for Him. Lord, thank you for this revelation and reminder that Your Truth is constant.

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