Saturday, May 14, 2011


Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. ~ Psalm 62:5-7

There are two kinds of warriors in this world: those fighting in wars--our men and women in the armed forces--fighting against human enemies, fighting to protect our freedom; and those fighting spiritual warfare, fighting against an enemy we can't see with human eyes. As I was reading Psalm 62, I realized that David had a concept of both. He, himself, had fought in many battles, but as he was speaking to God, he was looking for rest for his weary soul and seeking that firm foundation in God.

Far too often, we think of war as something that is fought in a distant land by distant hands and unless we have family or friends who are currently fighting in any branch of the military, the concept of God being our fortress and our refuge can get lost on us. Let me assure you that the battle is very real, and whether you choose to be an active participant for your own soul, the enemy will still continue to hunt you, as he desires to conquer you and make you fall.

As I thought about this psalm, I thought about those in my own family who fought physically for our freedom, as well as spiritually. Thank you, Dad, for fighting in Vietnam and in the first Gulf war. Thanks, Uncle Jim, for your time in the service. Thank you, Grandpa Hayes, for your sacrifice, honor, and courage during World War II. These men in my family all fought honorably and they say that my thanks is sufficient. I thought also about those who fought to not let one more generation be lost to the enemy and fought bravely so that their families would know that they were children of the Living God. Thank you to my Great Grandpa Flora, who was the first to make a decision for Christ on my mom's side of the family. And thanks to my Grandpa Erkilla who was both the first for his family but who also has been such a strong example of a godly man in our family. Thanks to my mom for praying for your children to grow up loving Jesus.

For four generations, now, we have lived on purpose as a part of Christ's family and while that doesn't make me any less a target for the devil's schemes, it gives me strength to know that I'm not alone in this battle and that those who have gone before me understood that God is our Rock, our Might Fortress, and a place of refuge from the storms of this world.

If you are the first generation, I applaud you and encourage you to stand firm against the devil. If you are one of many in your family to be part of Christ's family, I applaud you and encourage you to continue to stand firm against the attacks of the enemy. The devil is no respecter of persons and he wants us all to fall. But stand firm, because you are not alone and our God goes before us to fight for us. Be encouraged and rest in God.

Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:58

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