Thursday, March 12, 2020

Funnels and Rivers

Overflow ~ Victory Worship

The Sovereign LORD has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed. ~ Isaiah 50:4 NIV

I didn't own a funnel till I moved back to Wisconsin. When my aunt offered to teach me about canning, I needed one. Funnels are useful because of their design, which is wider on top and narrower at the bottom, enabling the contents of larger containers to be poured, easily, into a smaller one. Like how water moves from one area to another through rivers and streams.

Rivers and streams constantly have life—water, fish, etc.—flowing through it from one source to another. Because of the constant movement, rivers and streams are continuously being refreshed, unlike a pond. Ponds, though receiving water, don't typically have water flowing out, keeping its contents the same, and contained. That's why fish kills are more prevalent in ponds.

Have you ever considered how your life is meant to be lived like a funnel or river? Though there are seasons for receiving, most of what you learn from God is meant to be shared. This isn't just for the benefit of those hearing the news, but also yours. I've heard—and experienced—that those sharing the message get just as much out of it as those receiving it. As you share Truth, the message has a way opening more of your understanding, possibly changing you through conviction, and blessing your life in the process.

Who, in your sphere of influence, needs a touch from Jesus? Who needs to hear of His love and promises for them? It's time to remove the fear-stopper—the one I must remove before sending out each devotional. It's time to become a river, which carries the refreshing truth and promises of God. To whom will you be a refreshing river, today?
©Heather Potts 2020

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