Sunday, July 17, 2011

Dance with Jesus

Fix your attention on God...Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it. ~ Romans 12:2

God is so amazing!  He always knows what we need, even if we don't.  He says, "Fix your attention on Me."  That word "fix" means to hold tightly, firmly, to become set, permanent.  Pastor Justin spoke this weekend about how the enemy is sizing you up, trying to keep you away from Jesus and trying to distract you from being effective.  With our eyes fixed on Jesus, the enemy can't distract us, because He is all we see.  But it's when we take our eyes off Jesus, even for a split second that it's easier for the devil to get in the next time and with every look away from Jesus, there is suddenly more and more distance between Him and us.

But Jesus is always there, waiting for you to notice Him.  And when we do come back to Him, and draw close again, He leads us in a dance.  When you are dancing with someone, you are close.  When you dance with them long enough and focus on them, you can feel their movements and you begin to flow with them.  As they step, you step.  As they sway,  you sway.  Jesus wants you to dance with Him.  He wants you to feel His heart beat and for yours to beat with His.  He wants you to feel Him breathing and for you to breathe with Him.  He wants you to feel the fluidity of His motions and have you move in step, in motion, with Him.

Fix your eyes upon Jesus.  The places He's leading you to and the things He's asking you to do, He'll show you the way.  Keeping close to Jesus allows us to move in immediate response to His request.  Just dance with Jesus.

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