Friday, February 5, 2016

The Every Days

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace ~ Isaiah 55:12 NIV

The every days. We all have them.
It’s realizing that the enemy has a plan for you, but God’s plan is still greater.
It’s suffering for a night, but waking up to joy and Jesus singing over you in the morning.
It’s the picnics with your kids celebrating nothing more than Tuesday.
It’s the weird charges in your bank account causing you to be in the hole, followed by blessings from Father God.
It’s potty training and wanting to cry when your 3-year-old pees right in front of the toilet.
It’s a text from your spouse, just to let you know they think you are the greatest!
It’s burnt dinners, belated birthday wishes, and that relative who still spells your daughter’s name wrong.
It’s when everything at the monthly meeting goes wrong AGAIN, no matter how much you prepared in advance to ensure it wouldn’t this month.
It’s running late for work and getting stuck in traffic.
It’s exercising when NOTHING in you wants to, but then feeling so good you know you’ll do it again.
It’s celebrating as your friend’s dreams come true!
It’s laundry and dishes and toys everywhere.
It’s a warm cup of coffee in the morning before sunrise.
It’s discovering that plate of food in the freezer, where you put it to cool but then forgot to serve it to your kids the night before.
It’s overcoming what you seriously thought was going to end you and then knowing how to deeply and personally pray for someone else.
It’s standing up to the liar when he tells you that you’re nothing.
It’s the moments when you question God’s calling and He says, “It’s not your reputation on the line; it’s Mine.”
It’s waiting for God to show you the next step.
It’s perseveringly pursuing the passion burning deep inside you.
It’s the sweet moments when Father God reminds you that He loves you, always and forever, no matter what.
It’s realizing that no matter what, God still holds the whole world—you and me—in His hands.
The every days.

©Heather Potts 2016

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