Monday, January 11, 2010

Called Forward

We have a small group at our work that recently went through some changes, as a couple people left to change jobs. Everybody in the group is important and the two people who left will be missed. However, there was something unique about the two who left and it ties into yesterday's Word for You Today. It said that some people want to move forward but are unable, because they are afraid of making waves or upsetting others, (10 January 2010). That sounds a lot like boundaries.

We did a study on Boundaries in Marriage last year and though it was for married couples, the same rules apply. "Boundaries help us to determine who is responsible for what. If we understand who owns what, we then know who must take responsibility for it...Each [person] must take responsibility for the following things: feelings, attitudes, behaviors, choices, limits, desires, thoughts, values, talents, love," (20-21 Cloud/Townsend). Many people think that a "boundary" enslaves us or others. A boundary is nothing more than a property line that defines where I end and you begin. Boundaries actually give us freedom, which is the way God designed us. "We were not meant to be enslaved by each other; we were meant to love each other freely. God designed us to have freedom of choice as we respond to life, to other people, to God, and to ourselves," (23). When our two co-workers left, they were exercising their boundaries and drew a line in the sand that said, "I'm sad that you are sad, but your feelings are your own, and I can't live my life to keep you feeling happy."

When those two people left their jobs, and thus, our group, they left some sad people in their wake. But people who truly care will rejoice with and for them as God moves them forward. I admit that I miss them, but I'm not sad. I'm glad they didn't let the fear of others' reactions and/or hurt feelings hold them back from what God called them forward. I pray that when it's my turn and God calls me forward, that I'll be strong enough to move.

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