Thursday, January 21, 2010


He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint, Isaiah 40:29,31.

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.

We're on a 21 day fast--our church and others--and the pastors gave us a sheet of study scriptures and prayer for each day. I want to know how they knew? How did they know that I would need that verse today? I've read that verse before. I've written it down to encourage others. Today, it has encouraged me.

I fell last week and I was on the mend. I thought by this Tuesday I'd be back to normal, no problems, life can go on. Then I started physical therapy and the pain got worse. When I say worse, I mean worse than the original fall created. When I went back to the doctor, they gave me something that didn't agree with me, so I ended up missing more work and still didn't feel right. There are two things people who are close to me know about me: I don't tolerate pain well and I don't like taking pills. So, here I am at a crossroads. I'm weary of all of this medical treatment. I know you think it's only been a week, but when doctors look at me and say they don't know how to treat me or what medicines to give me, it feels like all the other times in my life that a doctor has said that. Can't figure out how to treat the redhead. Can't put our finger on what's wrong with her. Don't know how to fix her. 16 years of depression and probably about the same of endometriosis and God healed me of both. Thank you, Lord.

So now here I am with pain in my neck and my back that effects my arms and my legs and I'm frustrated. But then I read that verse, and I knew God was speaking to me. He said that if I believe on Him, trust on Him, hope on Him, and wait expectantly on Him, He will give me strength anew. If I believe, trust, hope, and wait on Him (vs. in Him), then I'm putting or leaning the full weight of myself upon Him and it is His responsibility to see me through. And He will help me to endure this time, this time of walking through a storm...and healing.

Lord, we all walk through storms at different times of our lives. We all walk through them, though they come in many different shapes and sizes. Father, I pray that when storms arise, we will turn back to this verse and remember that if we put the full weight of ourselves upon You, that You will see us through the storm and take us safely to the other side. Help us to soar on wings like eagles. Lord, I thank you and I praise you. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

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