Thursday, January 28, 2010


Perspective. That's the word my friend used. I was talking with a girlfriend last night who told me to put things into perspective. I really hate that phrase. I've always hated it. I don't know if I hate it so much because the person who said it is probably right, or if it's because I don't have the power to change my situation to where it's easier to have the better perspective. She did confess that it is easier to say that when you're not the person that something is happening to.

So, this morning, as I was doing my reading and praying, the prayer for today was to thank God for His unfailing love. And I don't know why it took that phrase for me to realize it, but it did. Yesterday, I received a call from a nurse case manager about my fall. She was asking me a whole bunch of questions, some were funnier than others. At one point she asked if I thought I could do the chicken dance. I kind of looked at the phone funny for a minute, but then said I probably could, it would probably hurt, but I probably could. She said good, that means I didn't tear my rotator cuff. We had discussed if I had held onto the railing as I walked up the stairs. I told her that I was holding on, but not tight enough to where I used that to catch my fall. She said it was a good thing that I didn't, because if I had, I probably would have torn my rotator cuff, which would have been a lot worse. Ever since the accident, I've been feeling stupid for not holding onto the railing. With all the questions that have come my way, I just felt that they implied that I should have kept holding on, and felt that I wouldn't have hurt myself if I had held on tighter. Now this woman said that I was saved from a far worse injury.

My God, who has loved me with an everlasting and unfailing love, saved me from an injury that would have been far worse. What an amazing God I have. This realization hasn't instantly removed the pain that I'm feeling, but I feel the rest of this journey will be easier to bear knowing my God saved me from something that would be far worse to bear. Thank you, Father God, for loving me so much. I still hate the phrase about having perspective, even if it is true. Thank you, Lord, for showing me that even if things don't always go my way, that you are still protecting me and watching over me. I love you, Jesus.

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