Saturday, January 16, 2010

Our Actions Speak

Our actions say a great deal about us. They speak to our strengths and our weaknesses, our likes and dislikes. They even speak to what we believe in; we profess what we believe is truth more through our actions, than through our words. Even in our tone of voice, we give away the truth about ourselves, especially if our tone contradicts the words we speak. For example, I can yell at you and tell you that I'm not mad, but I doubt you'll believe me. Or, if I tell you that I take excellent care of my body, but never work out, you might question that as well. Our actions are what reveal to others the real truth about who we are. There is an old hymn that Jars of Clay redid in 2005, called "They'll Know We Are Christians By Our Love," (Redemption Songs). The words of the song don't say, "They'll know we are Christians by the way we sing," (can I get an Amen on that?) or, "They'll know we are Christians by how many scriptures we've memorized." Thank goodness my salvation isn't bent on the number of scriptures I've memorized.

People can tell a lot by our actions, but so can the Lord. I was reading in Titus today, that there are those who "claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him," (1:16). Those are some pretty strong words. I think that is why, throughout the New Testament, we are commanded to "put off the old self with its practices and...put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator," (Colossians 3:9-10). We are also told, "And do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his good, pleasing, and perfect will," (Romans 12:2). The Lord is very specific in His directions. He says we should no longer be like those who are of the world. The word "conform," is taken from the Greek word "schema," which means, "the habitus, as comprising everything in a person which strikes the senses, the figure, bearing, discourse, actions, manner of life etc," ( And the word, "world," is from the Greek word, "aion," meaning, "an unbroken age," (

What does that mean, "unbroken age"? Look at the words, individually. "Unbroken" is to be "untamed," ( One who is "tame," is considered to be "gentle, fearless, submissive, brought into service," ( "Brought into service," doesn't sound appealing, but if you think about the words that Jesus said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light, " (Matthew 11:30), He was using agricultural context when speaking to the people since that's what they would understand. Jesus was telling the people, my commands are easy to follow and the the things I ask of you are not so demanding that you can't carry them out. The word "age," simply means, "a generation or series of generations," (

All in all, God calls us to follow Him and to act in a way that no longer resembles the thoughts, actions, and deeds of those who are living for themselves. Instead, we are to live in such a way that when people see us, they see something noticeably different. When they see us, they should see more of Jesus. My prayer for me is that I would follow where God leads me and that my actions would say, "Here is one who is a servant of the Lord."

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