Friday, January 29, 2016

Kill Shot

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. ~ 1 Peter 5:8 NIV

Romans 8:35-39 describe the many things that cannot separate us from the love of God. But if the enemy can get us to believe otherwise, then he can own us. If, for example, he can get you to constantly compare yourself to others by asking, “What’s wrong with me?” or “Why do I always have to be the one to ____ (fill in the blank)?” or “When is it my turn to be taken care of?” Devour means “Destroy; be consumed with grief.” When we listen to and begin to ask questions like these, that’s when we’re in danger of being devoured.

I used to wonder how anyone could find themselves in the position to be devoured. But then after walking through a season in which I was asking one or more of those questions, I realized standing or falling is all about focus. Because I was focusing on those lies, those questions, and then the false answers the enemy was spinning my way, it caused me to question the Truth. When we focus on God’s unconditional love for us, we begin to see ourselves as He sees us and can’t help but fall madly in love with Him, needing Him more than life and breath. But when we entertain the enemy’s questions, we begin to question God’s love and faithfulness and we begin to fall.

In 1 Peter 5:6-9, God gives us specific steps to keep us from harm, keeping our focus on Him:
·         Humble yourself under God (v 6)
·         Cast your anxiety on God (v 7)
·         Be alert and of sober mind (v 8)
·         Resist the enemy and stand firm (v 9)

I encourage and challenge you: if you’ve been entertaining those questions, it’s time to change your mind! You were not called to anyone else’s life or race—quit comparing yourself to others! Father God loves you unconditionally and He has given you the mind of Christ so that you’ll be able to focus on the truth and not the liar. Now stand firm and defeat the devourer!

©Heather Potts 2016 

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