Saturday, December 19, 2009

Giants Fear

Why do we fear what we do not know or understand? Why is our first response to retreat in fear instead of standing our ground in Christ? When God works in you and through you, others pay attention and take notice. Realize that your "power" and strength come not from you, but from God who is infinitely powerful.

Consider the Israelites. When they approached Canaan, they were afraid of the giants they saw, (see Numbers 13:26-33). But what they didn't know was that those "giants" who lived in the land had heard about what God had done for and through His people and the giants were afraid of God's people (see Joshua 2:9-11). However, because the Israelites allowed fear to grip and overpower them, the Israelites were forced to leave the land and not enter for 40 years. By then, the giants had forgotten all they stories they had heard about the Israelites.

What in this world looks giant to you? What looks too massive for God to overcome? What's got you tossing and turning at night, instead of resting peacefully? Remember, at the name of Jesus, every knee on the earth, above the earth, and under the earth will bow, and every demon trembles at the sight of Jesus, (see Philippians 2:10, James 2:19, Mark 5:7). Perhaps it is time you showed your giant just how powerful your God is. Perhaps it is time you walked in and took over your Promise Land.

~Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand, (Ephesians 6:10,13). ~

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