Tuesday, December 15, 2009


*Why is it easier to hear God in the noise than in the quiet?
*Why is it easier to recall a whole bunch of songs and lyrics and movie lines, but sitting in the quiet without any noise--internal or external--it quite difficult?

Do you believe you'll hear from God? Do you believe in the quiet you'll hear His voice? If the answer is "no," then this exercise is futile. But if you believe, then you will hear.

The proof is in the pudding, or so they say. But what more proof do I need? Today is a new day and I have breath in my lungs, why must God send me any more proof, as if He were a magician at my beck-and-call? If I have heard God in the daylight, He will surely not leave me in the night. If I have heard God through the noise and the craziness that is my life, then I must believe (have faith) that I will hear from Him in my quiet times, too.

Thank you, God, for sending me this message, this reminder, that I must believe and walk (or listen) by faith, or my request is in vain.

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