Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

~Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10-11~

Today is a new day. It's filled with new hopes and new joys. It's because today we celebrate the birth of a baby boy who has come to make all things new. Today, we say, "Merry Christmas," to everyone who passes us on the streets. But some, for fear of offending others, say, "Happy Holidays." Sometimes, I think we don't really understand why we say, "Merry Christmas."

Before Christ came, there was no Christmas; there were no presents. Back then, today was just another day among days. We say, "Merry Christmas" out of the joy that overflows on this anniversary--or birthday--celebration of the day when God came to His people on the earth. Today is the day that we can pinpoint the beginning of His life.

When you turn 27, your friends and family don't celebrate your life starting at 21. No, they celebrate your life from birth. On tombstones, a person's life is marked by two dates, birth and death. While Jesus was raised from the dead, His life is still marked by two dates: His birth and His Resurrection. We celebrate those two dates because they signify when our lives changed forever.

It's OK to celebrate holidays. There are plenty of fun ones to celebrate. Personally, I'm pretty keen on Flag Day. But today is Christmas. So as you say, "Merry Christmas," remember that we celebrate today because all those years ago a baby was born who would save the world. When you say, "Merry Christmas," you're not just wishing someone a "safe and happy holiday." You are passing on a wish to another of what Christ gave you: new life, new hope, and new joy.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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